Donor Assessment
Initial Paper Work
We have strict rules for accepting any person for a living donation. A copy of rules and regulation can be obtained from the Liver Transplant Information Office. You will only be accepted for assessment, if you fulfill the laid down criteria for a living donor. You will be offered a clinic appointment once we are satisfied that you fulfill the criteria.
On Arrival
On Arrival to the Liver Transplant Clinic, our unit receptionist will take you through your registration process.
Initial Assessment
Preliminary interview and assessment will be carried out by a specialist nurse to document your temperature, pulse, BP and other relevant measurements.
Detailed Assessment
Detailed interview and assessment will follow with one of our Liver Transplant physician or surgeon. This session may last between 20 minutes to an hour depending on the complexity of your medical condition. A detailed medical history is usually followed by a thorough clinical examination to get a full assessment of your existing clinical condition.
What Happens Next?
Patients are usually put into a fast stream for further work up if they are found suitable to act as living donors. The specialist nurse will complete their investigation request, paper work and a liver transplant coordinator will take them through a fast track investigation protocol specifically arranged for such patients. The aim will be to complete the whole process in the shortest possible time.
Final Interview
On completion of your assessments and investigations, one of our transplant physicians would review these and make final recommendations about your suitability or otherwise to act as a living donor.